The Bartlett
Summer Show 2024
About the show



Land, Building and Dwelling

Project details

Unit UG09
Year 3
  • AJ Student Prize Nominee
  • First Class Honours

Most of the Netherlands’ clay resources come from rivers and the sea. The microstructure of river clay gives it the ability to attract and hold fluid molecules. Marine clays, on the other hand, have a high sediment content and, as such, are key to the development of environmentally friendly materials. Based on this research, a new modular construction workflow was created, using marine clay as eco-concrete and river clay to form moulds. This reduces energy consumption and the environmental pollution associated with the manufacture of traditional clay-based material.

This project seeks to criticise architectural and construction methods that serve purely functional purposes. It draws attention to the relationship between the act of dwelling, the space and the occupants. As Heidegger stated, the real housing crisis is not the lack of housing but the need for people to learn the act of dwelling. At the same time, this process also redefines the meaning of building. Buildings should no longer be defined at the moment of completion, instead, the beginning and end of their life should correspond to the beginning and end of the occupant's act of living.

Building Plans and Section

Building Plans and Section

Ground floor master plan of the factory and residential building area, including detail plans and section of the dwellings.

As Rotterdam's urban regeneration comes to an end, the original modular factory is gradually transformed into residential areas.

Building Overview: 2024-2040

As Rotterdam's urban regeneration comes to an end, the original modular factory is gradually transformed into residential areas.

Dwelling 002: Interior Views

Dwelling 002: Interior Views

Interior quality of the lobby, living room, garret and reading room inside dwelling 002.

Construction Process

Construction Process

The panoramic view shows the state of the project at different stages from right to left, encompassing the various stages in the construction of a single dwelling.

Dwelling 002: Design Brief

Dwelling 002: Design Brief

The brief is summarised as an open-ended ‘storybook’ that illustrates a new model of collaboration between dwelling 002 and its occupants in the residential area, exploring the two-way relationship between the occupants and the building.

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Index of Works

The Bartlett
Summer Show 2024
21 June – 6 July 2024
Coming soon