The Bartlett
Summer Show 2024
About the show



Lexicon: Language as a Drawing Tool

Project details

Unit UG03
Year 3
  • Year 3 Portfolio Prize
  • First Class Honours

The project attempts to identify a link between language, grammar and architectural space. By creating a visual lexicon, made using linguistic descriptions of spatial experiences, a new type of architecture emerges where words and their rhythm help to define the building at multiple scales. In this way, the words used to describe architectural ventures become the ones used to design them.

Situated in Athens, Greece, the programme is a language centre and translation library. Its aim is to embody the design process itself while serving as an educational centre where individuals can engage with language learning, global media and diverse cultures, both within Greece and beyond.

Language as a Drawing Tool

Language as a Drawing Tool

Using words and punctuation from spatial descriptions to create a sentence footprint, later developed into the building’s ground floor plan.

The Spine: 1:50

The Spine: 1:50

A physical model created to test and represent the building’s spine and how it acts as both the anchor and connector, structurally and metaphorically.

Long section cut along the spine and short section through the central square.


Long section cut along the spine and short section through the central square.

The Translation Library

Lexicon: Moments along the Spine

Lexicon: Moments along the Spine

Final film showcasing the journey along the spine.

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Index of Works

The Bartlett
Summer Show 2024
21 June – 6 July 2024
Coming soon