The Bartlett
Summer Show 2024
About the show



Ceramic Futures

Project details

Unit PG15
Year 5
  • Sir Andrew Taylor Prize​
  • Distinction

Everyday around 7000 tonnes of ‘waste’ clay are sent to landfill from excavation and construction projects in London such as HS2 or the Thames ‘super sewer’. This is an incredibly large resource stream and represents a golden opportunity to use this material to design and build future architectural projects.

This project utilises the craft of clay 3D printing and algorithmic-aided design methodologies to challenge traditional ideas about the relationship between humans and the built environment. By using such technologies there is the potential to create buildings that are responsive, adaptive, and perfectly evolved to both their human, and non-human contexts.

In order to prepare for a future where organic, data and simulation driven design methodologies are commonplace, a flexible, adaptable system needs to be created to cover a wide variety of use-cases. This research explores the potential for 3D printed, post-tensioned ceramic systems which can be made from waste streams, and bring to physicality the intelligence of nature and data-driven design methodologies.

Experimenting with grasshopper to draw curves for the bone structure of an enclosure. Iterations of the script were created then visually analysed. The final script shows how relationships between components form a coherent and readable geometry.

Parametric Pavillion

Experimenting with grasshopper to draw curves for the bone structure of an enclosure. Iterations of the script were created then visually analysed. The final script shows how relationships between components form a coherent and readable geometry.

To test this hypothesis, a new script was written to fabricate the parametric model, while considering the limits of clay 3D printing. The script could produce G-Code while geometry changed, enabling rapid iteration for challenging components.

Butterfly Ray Pavillion

To test this hypothesis, a new script was written to fabricate the parametric model, while considering the limits of clay 3D printing. The script could produce G-Code while geometry changed, enabling rapid iteration for challenging components.

Detail shot of a kitchen island made from 126 unique 3D printed ceramic tiles. This project tested limitations of scaling the 3D printing process beyond single components.

Bonzai Island

Detail shot of a kitchen island made from 126 unique 3D printed ceramic tiles. This project tested limitations of scaling the 3D printing process beyond single components.

Years of research were tested in a writer's cabin concept made of post-tensioned, 3D printed ceramic components. Print-path layers and orientations informed spaces. The post-tensioning cables form an adjustable floorplate for re-levelling over time.

Writers Cabin

Years of research were tested in a writer's cabin concept made of post-tensioned, 3D printed ceramic components. Print-path layers and orientations informed spaces. The post-tensioning cables form an adjustable floorplate for re-levelling over time.

Brick 2.0

Brick 2.0

Bifurcated paths of infill patterns increase the length of energy paths through a component. By increasing the energy path, the resulting component has a higher thermal coefficient. A custom infill path shows a 10 °C difference over 2 hours.

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Index of Works

The Bartlett
Summer Show 2024
21 June – 6 July 2024
Coming soon